Noise Ninja® 4

High-quality noise reduction seamlessly integrated into the Photo Ninja workflow

Since we developed the first version of Noise Ninja in 2003, it has served as a gold standard for image noise reduction, and we have licensed the technology to medical equipment, semiconductor, and camera manufacturers. For Photo Ninja, we developed a completely new version of the Noise Ninja algorithm to work with RAW images, and it's our best noise reduction technology yet. It offers an improved tradeoff between noise suppression and detail preservation, better treatment of color, and more natural smoothing of contoured areas. In addition, luminance noise reduction and sharpening can work together so that edges are enhanced without amplifying noise.

Example 1

Photo courtesy of Rob Galbraith/Photo Journey.

Canon 1D at ISO 1600, from JPEG.

Example 2

Canon 5D Mark II at ISO 3200, from raw.

Example 3

Canon 5D Mark II at ISO 3200, raw.

Example 4

Canon 5D Mark II at ISO 2000, raw.

Example 5

Canon 5D Mark II at ISO 1250, from raw, brightened with adaptive lighting.